Welcome to Roku The Mao

Welcome to Roku The Mao, a safe space for survivors of domestic abuse and addiction to come together, share their stories, and support one another on their journey to healing and recovery.

Who am I?

My name is Roku, I am 35 years old. I am a Leo in the zodiac. I am a survivor of domestic abuse as well as a recovering addict, I also struggle with mental illness that make daily living difficult. I'm currently a college student full time, studying for my bachelor's in finance. I just want to spread inspiration, hope, and awareness of domestic abuse, addiction, and mental illness.

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It started out like any other day...

I was 18 when I met him. I thought I had met "The One" people all talk about. he was sweet, charming, and he had a job. I fell hard and fast and he had a silver tongue and I believed every word he said. For the first year what we had seemed really great! we decided to take it a step further and he moved in with me and my mom. By this time I was completely wrapped around his finger that I didn't believe any wrong could come out of him... it was almost exactly a year into our relationship when it happened... i remember how i felt as it was happening i was so confused and in disbelief... 4/23/2008... i should have left right then, that day... my heart was broken and he was so convincing, the way he swore it would never happen again, that he loved me....

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About us

Roku The Mao is a blog created by Roku, a survivor of domestic abuse and addiction, to provide a platform for others to share their stories, find support, and inspire one another. Our mission is to empower survivors and break the silence around these important issues.

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